Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Poor peach tree




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Well I'm putting my poor fair showing behind me with a tried-and-true What Do They Know? attitude, which always works for me. Besides the peach tree is getting ready to literally burst and I have tons of work to do.

I'm not going to go into the whole peach-stick that was ridiculed by the neighbors story again, but suffice it to say there is no small amount of pride at having planted a tiny stick just six years ago and now I have a tree that is literally bending over with fruit. It's just now starting to ripen and it smells so good. All the neighbors are awaiting the bounty because there will be enough peaches to keep everyone we know supplied for the rest of their lives.

We propped up a couple of boughs with wooden skids, but I don't know how much it's helping. I'll be heading out for jars and will start putting up preserves this week. I'll have to print out labels because my handwriting sucks so bad. Guess what the Christmas present to family and friends is going to be this year? I have plenty of Penzey's really good cinnamon, so I'm going to add that in because I just love the combination of peaches and cinnamon flavors.

On another note, when I was visiting Courtney I had a chance to share a few tips with her. I've never realized how many tips I have to share, but especially in the kitchen, I've discovered about a zillion shortcuts. One really great tip is making corn in the microwave.

Super speedy corn

Shuck however many ears of corn you need. Rinse the corn off and wrap each cob in a piece of plastic wrap. Place the corn, one ear at a time, in the microwave for 1 minute. Turn and microwave 50 seconds -- 45 seconds is a bit too short and you will have uncooked kernels, and 55 seconds can lead to overcooked kernels. Remove wrapped corn from microwave and place on counter for about 5 minutes. Continue cooking the rest of the corn the same way. Be careful when you unwrap it as it will be quite hot and there will be a lot of steam escaping.

Another tip: This is from Dena: If you're bleeding, which I was at Courtney's because I cut my leg shaving, use cornstarch to stem the flow if nothing else will work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just telling someone else that cornstarch tip the other day. The tree does look really pitiful. Like a cow with swollen utters waiting to be milked. I would like to place my order for two large jars of peach jam and 2 peach pies. You can deliver them when we go to mortons