When life hands you a lemon -- make cookies! Kaia came over today and we made Halloween cookies. We make them every years, and even though I'm still off my foot for yet three more weeks, I've come up with a variety of ways to be able to make cookies. Of course, the main thing is having Rob able to help.
I really needed a cookie-baking afternoon because I'm starting to feel a bit beleagered by all that's happening. I went to the orthopedic surgeon about my knee and he basically said it was so messed up -- he gave me a list with five seperate things listed -- I'll probably need knee replacement surgery. But we have to get the right foot healed first. Then he drained some fluid and injected some stuff and it hurts worse than it did before.
So we're sitting around absorbing all of this when we get a call that Rob's mom has had a stroke. She has been transferred out of intensive care and seems out of immediate danger, so hopefully that will be OK.
I'd already called to ask to have Kaia come over because she just makes me smile. She's about to turn 6. She loves to bake cookies with me and it's so much fun. We've been doing it for a few years and I hope she continues to want to.
1 comment:
Yikes. More surgery? Owwwww. I am so sorry. Is the knee damage from the bike accident? Will you be able to sue the bozo who hit you? btw, the cookies look good, and Kaia is a cute one. jennifer
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