I love the Internet. As I mentioned above, Rob and I bought a bunch of stuff at a local Mexican market. One of the items was a bag of oval, cornmeal, about 1/4 inch things. Huaraches is a name for a kind of sandal and you can kind of see why these were named after the sandal, they kind of look like the sole of a shoe. I had no idea what to do with them so I did a Google search and found out that you just fry them up in some oil and serve them topped with some kind of meat and cactus (nopales) salad.
I've always loved the idea of cactus salad and when I was able to taste some, I found I liked the flavor, kind of like smokey bell peppers. I fried up my huaraches in some canola oil and topped them with fajitas, prepared with steak using a package for seasoning (McCormack -- it wasn't very good BTW). I topped that with cheese that I melted on top. I added the nopales salad, some chopped avocado -- something we all have in abundance around here and sour cream. It was really good. The huarache is a very distinct flavor and it stands up well to all the stuff on top. It has a crunchy outside and a kind of chewy inside. It's actually quite yummy -- like polenta would be if it had a better texture.
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