Pig races

This is a perennial kiddie favorite. The pigs race around the track to the other side to get to their food.

The farm/ranch kids come in to show off their animals or to do a little riding.
Blue-ribbon winner

There are tons of equestrian events, from jousting to rodeo-style roundups to English jumping. But all I could think of as I watched the jumpers was Christopher Reeve and how that's how he broke his neck. So I left.
Girls and goats

I have a problem with the 4-H livestock stuff because it makes me sad to see these animals knowing they will likely be killed for pork chops or steaks. I eat meat. But I prefer to be a willfully ignorant meateater. My meat comes in packages, all cut up. But since most people don't eat goat meat, I'm hoping these goats will be sold for breeding or goat milk or something.
The blues

I love how blue the sky is here and these bars against the blue sky just struck me as a cool composition.
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