Here's my problem. My peaches took forever to ripen this year because of a late, rainy spring. They just started getting ripe last week. But I have to be in Ohio for my grandson's baptism. After waiting a year, I want my peaches.
My peach tree is a source of great pride and joy for me. When we moved into our house five years ago, I went to Home Depot and found these sticks they were claiming were fruit trees. For $4.99, I figured, "What the hell" and bought one. I planted it in our front yard in front of the picture window. I optimistically reasoned that if it grew into a tree, it would provide a screen.
My neighbors laughed. "What's that supposed to be?" they said. "A peach stick. What does it look like?" I replied. I mean, seriously.
I nurtured my little stick. The first summer it produce just one peach. One perfect, sweet Zen peach. I was delighted. Then the little stick took off. Now it's a decent sized tree screening my front window. The neighbors look on with awe and covet my peaches. But no dice. These puppies will be lovingly put up by me.
But I'm in Ohio and can't collect my fruit. I gathered a bunch up before I left; skinned, pitted and trimmed them and I stuck them in the refrigerator. I'm hoping they'll last until I get home. They're a bit more buggy than normal. I don't use spray -- not because of any fervor -- but because I can't figure out how to use the sprayer. But I cut all the bug parts out. Rob says you'll get peach worm eggs if you eat them and they'll grow in your body and kill you. Sigh.